WHAT * Embrace permaculture philosophies, * Diverstity of produce with a focus on staples; potatoes, corn, greens (cabbage/spinach etc), pumpkin, beans, tomatoes, * Sharing knowledge and experience, * Maximise yield from various land topologies, * Minimal effort ;) * Exchange market of community grown produce (sell & barter), * Minimal cost of infrastructure, * Maximise use of perennials for continual harvesting, * Choose ‘best methods’ for fruit and vegetables considering storage and preservation; solar drying, root cellars, brine, pickling etc... * Adding value to crops, i.e. olives to pate.
WHY * Food security, no to famine, * Food quality, no chemicals or GMOs, * To place community farming at the centre of parallel economies.
HOW * Invite people with land to start our Community Micro Farming alliance, * Invite growers to join our community produce market, * Persons with land, large and small are welcome to the community, * Decide on the 5 most suitable and appropriate staple crops for our community, * Invite community growers to add a 'how to grow' info page for each crop, * Invite livestock keepers to add a 'how to keep' info page for each type of livestock, * Everyone is free to choose additional crops of their choice that are best suited to their land and lifestyle, * The community should maximise the yield from staple crops. * Everyone in our community can participate in a Community Micro Farming exchange market.
For more information on the Community Micro Farming philosophy, visit the the Peoples Food and Farming Alliance.